All roads lead to nagalu
Village center with restaurants in only 5 minutes walking distance.
You can walk to the center of Fiss in just a few minutes.
Hotel Lasinga
How to visit our second hotel.
The fastest way to reach the Hotel Lasinga is to take the northern side exit (FLOOR 3) towards the village and then 200 meters on the left.
The reception of the Nagalu is located on FLOOR 0.
We are looking forward to your visit and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Ski slope / Mountain railroads
You can reach the ski slope in only 250 meters walking distance.
The cable cars can be reached via the northern side exit (FLOOR 3) from Nagalu to Laurschweg.
Route planer
In Fiss, continue on the ring road in the direction of Serfaus and take the exit D to Seilbahnstrasse.
After approx. 300 meters take the first turn left into Leiteweg. Our Nagalu Hotel Garni will be on your right side. The underground car park (Leiteweg 12) is marked by three flags. Mountain railways can be reached by using the entrance on the north side of the Nagalu and walking towards Laurschweg.
Underground car park with one free parking spot per room
(a second spot will cost € 8,50 per day). We also provide two loading stations for electric cars!
